
Why Boxwood?

So one of the questions we are often asked is “Why Boxwood?”  I guess picking a shrub to represent a counseling and consultation company might not be what people would expect!  So I’ll take a moment to explain why it makes sense for us.  

Basically, we like to think that people are a lot like boxwoods.  Boxwoods are pretty common.  You can find some variation of this shrub thriving in many places around the globe.  It survives various climates and seasons and can withstand a lot of damage.  For the most part, it can take care of itself and survive.  However- with a little maintenance and care, the boxwood can thrive and become whatever shape you want it to be.  What’s amazing about a boxwood that allows it to be such a survivor is its incredibly strong core foundation.  Because of its resilience, it can take a lot of hits and heal from a great deal of damage.   

Growing from its sturdy foundation, a boxwood has tons of dense branches that are beautiful in their natural form, and can also be shaped however you would like.  There are no rules about how it is supposed to look beyond the goal you have when shaping it.  As long as the foundation is healthy and you know how you hope to see it turn out- you can shape it into pretty much whatever you want!   Then, if you decide you want something different, you just reshape.  Hey- you might even take creative liberty halfway through and change your vision of the final product.  It’s only complete when you say it is, and most people tend to care for their boxwoods through shaping and maintaining on some kind of scheduled basis.  For some it’s just a seasonal trim, for others it’s a complete overhaul of an overgrown shrub that may be blocking the light.

So for us, we look at therapy like boxwood maintenance.   We want to make sure you have a healthy foundation that allows you to shape your life however you want.  It’s not our job to decide the shape, just to help you do the maintenance and create a blueprint for what you would like to see.  From there we will work on making sure you have the knowledge, skills, and ability to create the final product you plan for. Whether it’s a “quick trim” for more routine maintenance or a “total overhaul”, with a little work we believe it can be done-  because we know people are a lot like boxwoods.

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If you have questions that are not answered by our website or you would like to know more about what you found, you can use our contact form, or give us a call for more info. I’m always happy to provide any information you may need to help make a decision about whether or not I’m the right therapist for you or your family member.
Candice Cartner, Nationally Certified and Licensed Clinical Mental HEALTH Counselor